Our Self-Sustaining agricultural schools turn young people from vulnerable sectors into successful rural entrepreneurs with the “learning by doing, selling and earning” educational model. This program, which is the only one in the world, does not receive any kind of financial support from the government, which is why it is considered a top-tier resource to fight poverty that has proven to be useful and adaptable in any region of the world.
rural entrepreneurs graduated from the Escuela Agrícola de Cerrito, Belén and Centro Educativo Mbaracayú.
years carrying out the “learning by doing, selling and earning” educational model.
will implement the self-sustaining school educational model, through the Catalyze EDUFinance project, financed by USAID, through the Palladium Consultant
We carried out the ASHA project, in partnership with the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and USAID, to implement the construction of the new dairy plant; modernize student dorms; and add improvements in the sports areas of the Cerrito School
We held the first edition of the Educational Fair at the Agricultural School, where students presented their innovative projects to the educational community. Also, the students shared with institutions interested in validating the talent of young professionals, for their insertion in the labor market upon completion of high school.
18 students were part of the Foro de Emprendedores Paraguay (FEP), where they had the opportunity to awaken and strengthen their entrepreneurship and leadership
The students actively participated in the Junior Achievement programs, as well as the School Enterprise Challenge and the Stoplight Olympics.
The Escuela Agrícola Cerrito was invited to participate in the Education Expo, a thematic activity based mainly on education for the future and educational innovation, with special focus on the STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).
Escuela Agrícola Cerrito, located in the city of Benjamín Aceval in the Presidente Hayes department is only 46 km away from Asunción. Twenty years ago, the school was transferred to Fundación Paraguaya by the Franciscans from La Salle, and from that moment on it has become a disruptive proposal for the world’s education.
The school’s method provides students with tools and the necessary technical knowledge to discover, develop, and utilize the entrepreneur spirit through the model of “learning by doing, selling and earning.”
It has didactic and productive business units where, through a rotation system, students generate their educational practices. The business areas are the hotel and the dairy plant, where various types of Iberian cheeses, yogurt and dulce de leche are made. Also noteworthy are the bakery, the reforestation area, the organic garden, farms, production of milk, pigs, goats, quail eggs, chicken, honey bee and fish farming.
Located on the same property as the Escuela Agrícola Cerrito, it is part of the educational-productive business units of the institution and it is its main source of income. Students carry out hands-on practices, always under the supervision of professionals from the hotel industry.
Over the years, the hotel has become a permanent center for national and international visitors, in addition to serving as a laboratory for social innovations for various organizations.